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Questions, Concerns, & Suggestions

Some Last Words:


We know there is still a lot to be done.


The bad news is that there is still work to do to fix issues such as gender inequality, sexism, and women’s empowerment in advertising.


But the good news is we are so excited to delve into these issues and provide a space for us to talk freely about beauty. 


We are hoping to contribute to the conversation of women’s empowerment by discussing how beauty affects a woman’s feeling of worth.


We hope that by discussing how women’s empowerment is advertised that we can recognize patterns and how to fix them to create a healthier perspective of beauty.


By disconnecting worth from beauty, we hope women realize their potential and not be held back by gender stereotypes.


In this way, we hope to contribute to women’s rights activism.



What We Know So Far:


So far, we recognize that advertisements should represent all types of women and represent them as beautiful.


As well, we recognize that women should be seen as more than just their beauty, thus, deemphasizing the importance of beauty.


Overall, women will see themselves as multifaceted beings who are also beautiful, not just beautiful. 



Looking Forward:


Our next project is looking at more ways in which companies and brands have the power to empower women. We’ve been seeing that many of these companies have been donating to charities, providing outreach programs for women, and generally doing things outside of selling their product to empower women. This is important as some women may not have access to these advertisements or products.


As well, empowerment is not about an object, but the message. While advertisements spread these messages, charities and programs perform these messages. 


In the future, we would like to explore male-geared advertisements and their effects on men. Although we feel beauty is a much bigger issue for women, we understand that different standards are pushed on men.


We would love to expand our research to include male-identified individuals and spread even more positivity about a healthier perspective of beauty. 


Lastly, if you have any questions or concerns about our website let us know in the box below. Also, if you have any companies, brands, campaigns, advertisements, ANYTHING you want us to look at, submit below.



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